Published inThe StartupPredictive Models of Psychological Data During COVID-19 LockdownSo recently, after lockdown started, I home quarantined myself. And one of my close friends all of a sudden stopped talking to me and kept…Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
How We Mitigated a Critical Infra IssueIn this story, I am going to explain how I accidentally created a critical infra incident and how we handled it.Oct 29, 2020Oct 29, 2020
Distributing restricted items between shipments: items that cannot be carried togetherThere might be cases where 2 different products might need to be transported. But they cannot be transported together. For example, Petrol…Oct 21, 2020Oct 21, 2020
Retry Mechanism in KafkaWhen a certain number of messages fail in a stream, those messages might need to be retried later. The following set up solves that…Oct 14, 2020Oct 14, 2020
AWS ElastiCache: Encryption — BenchmarksAWS ElastiCache supports At-Rest and In-Transit Encryption. It is quite handy for keeping the data secure. The process to enable the…Jul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020
Using DragonBones in UnityI recently came across this Animation tool called DragonBones. Which looks very light and easy and compatible with unity using this Unity…Jul 8, 2017Jul 8, 2017
2D Background Scrolling & Parallax Scrolling in Unity3DScrolling backgrounds is quite a necessity in 2D Platformer/Sidescroller/Shooter games. I had been working on a platformer recently and…Dec 6, 2016Dec 6, 2016
Volumetric Light using Particles in UnityGod Ray or Sun Shaft or any kind of Volumetric Light is a very common effect in any realistic scene. Unity 5 comes with an image effect…Jan 1, 2015Jan 1, 2015